
The Institute for Different Policy is a new era American institution whose mission is to promote nonpartisan policies that improve American society at local and national levels. We are dedicated to advocating for innovative pragmatic solutions that improve the quality of life for ordinary Americans across the country. 

At our core, we believe that there is more that unites us than divides us. It is with that principle that we push and advocate policies we believe the majority of the American Citizenry will agree with. 

We believe in keeping things simple, our policies are written to be easily understood, and simple enough to implement.

We are advocates for giving the American people more control and say in the actions of their government. And fundamentally believe a more informed and active electorate, free of fringe ideologies and influences, is what will truly be what the United States of America needs. 

Different in nature, different in action, different in approach. The Institute for Different Policy is the American think tank for the American citizen.